Blank white screen when capturing the 3D window of the source analysis window

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Problem description

The capture image is blank white (or black) screen when 3D window of the source analysis window is captured using the menu "File / Save 3D window as Bitmap... " (or "File / Save Source Analysis Window as Bitmap...").

Blank white screen 01.png


For NVIDIA graphics case, this problem can be solved by changing the graphics processor option. Right click on BESA.exe and choose "Run with graphics processor / Integrated graphics". The BESA.exe file is usually located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\BESA\Research_7_0" folder. The default graphics processor can be changed in the "Change default graphics processor..." menu entry.

Blank white screen 02.png

If the context menu is not shown after right clicking, please mark "Desktop / Add "Run with graphics processor" to Context Menu" option in the NVIDIA Control Panel.

Blank white screen 03.png