Supported Data Formats

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Module information
Modules BESA Research Basic or higher
Version BESA Research 6.1 or higher

BESA Research supports most major EEG and MEG file formats. Most file format readers are written by ourselves, others are supplied by the manufacturers. This document gives an overview of all the data formats that can be imported in BESA Research 6.1 or higher. If your file format cannot be found in this list, please contact us via our support portal: BESA support portal

The readers are part of the product installations, and the latest readers are included in the product installations.

Supported EEG data formats

File Format / Manufacturer / Software File Extension File Formats Version Notes
Alpha-Trace (alpha-trace medical software) .alp tested up to v418-05
ASCII .avr .mul ASCII File Format
BDF (BioSemi) .bdf Reading BioSemi data
Beekeeper64 (Telefactor) .eeg .dat
Bio-logic (Natus) * .eeg
BrainAmp / BrainVision (Brain Products) .eeg .vhdr
BrainLab (Schwarzer) .sig
BrainStar (Schwind Medizintechnik) .eeg
Cadwell *, *** .flex tested up to Arc API ARC API needs to be installed ***
Compumedics (ProFusion) *, ** .sdy ProFusion EEG 4, 5
DCmes, PolyDC (MES) .dat
Deltamed (Natus, Coherence) * .eeg
Deltamed (Natus, Neurofile) .eeg
EBNeuro (Galileo) *, ** .gnt .set Galileo.NT, Galileo.NET 3.5 Reading EBNeuro Files
EDF (European Data Format) .edf EDF, EDF+ Reading EDF Files
EEProbe (ANT) .cnt
Electrical Geodesics, Inc. - Raw data format .raw .ses Reading EGI Raw Files
Electrical Geodesics, Inc. - Metafile Format (EGI MFF) * .xml up to MFF v3
magstim EGI (Philips) MFF .mff
g.Tec (Guger Technologies) * .hdf5 requires BESA Research 7.0 or higher
Galileo (EBNeuro) * .nt
Generic Reader (any ASCII formats; see BESA Program Help) .avr .mul
Grass-Telefactor (Natus) * .ref up to Twin v3.1
InstEP *, **** .c .is .ia up to version 7.3 of the IWave Input/Output library
Konstanz file format * .raw .sum
ManScan interchange format (SAM) * .mbi
MED Dark Horse Neuro * requires BESA Research version or higher
Medtronic * .wg1
MEF (Multiscale Electrophysiology File) * .xml MEF 2.0 Reading MEF Files
Micromed (Natus) * .trc Micromed System98 EEG file (version 3, 4, and 5) version 5 requires BESA Research version or higher
Neuralynx * .ncs requires BESA Research version 7.0 or higher
NeurOne (Bittium, formerly known as Mega Electronics) * .xml
Neuronic *
NeuroScan .cnt .avg NeuroScan 3.x Reading NeuroScan Files]
NeuroScan Curry 7 * .rs3 .dap .dat .ce* Curry 6 and 7 files requires BESA Research version 7.0 or higher. See also Reading NeuroScan Files
NeuroScan Curry 8 * .dpa .cdt .ceo Curry 8 files requires BESA Research 7.1 or higher
NeuroScan Curry 9 * .dpo .cdt .ceo Curry 9 files requires BESA Research or higher
NexStim .nxe
Nicolet (Natus) * .eeg
NicoletOne / Nervus (Natus) * .e .eeg
Nihon Kohden .eeg EEG-1100, EEG-1200, EEG-2100
Phoenix II (EMS) * s*.0 s*.1 …
Stellate Systems - Harmonie (Natus) *, ** .sig Harmonie 5.2c, 5.4, 6.1, 6.2, 7a
Stellate Systems - Monitor (Natus) *, ** .eeg
Vangard (LaMont Medical Inc.) * B****, no extension
XDF * .xdf requires BESA Research 7.1 or higher
Natus NeuroWorks (former XLTEK) .eeg .erd up to v. 9.3 version 9.3 requires BESA Research version or higher

If files are in one of these formats, they can be read directly and conversion is not required. BESA Research also has a new, flexible interface for importing ASCII files which can be used in conjunction with the ASCII export functions of your software. Any EEG format can be converted to the compressed BESA binary format, ASCII format, EDF+ or simple binary format.

* Install this reader using "Install Additional Readers.htm" in the "Utilities\Additional Readers\" subfolder.
** The EEG data format requires installation of the corresponding EEG system reader software or SDK.
*** The Cadwell reader requires the installation of the Cadwell Arc API. If this API is not already installed on your computer, download it from the following link and install it on your computer: Link. The API must be installed in the suggested default path on your C: drive.
**** Please note that a valid license for the IWave library is required in order to be able to read InstEP files.

Supported MEG data formats

File Format / Manufacturer / Software File Extension File Formats Version Notes
ASCII .avr .mul ASCII File Format
BESA 2000 / FOCUS High Compression Format .foc .fsg
BTI special export program exp2BESAbin is required (Unix system)
Cerca Magnetics OPM * .fif requires BESA Research or higher
CTF .meg4
Elekta Neuromag Functional Image File Format (FIFF) .fif FIFF v2.0
Ricoh ** .con v3.0 requires BESA Research 7.0 or higher
Yokogawa ** .con .raw .ave .SQD up to version 2

* Requires prior conversion to .fif using a proprietary script supplied by Cerca Magnetics. subfolder.
** Install this reader using "Install Additional Readers.htm" in the "Utilities\Additional Readers\" subfolder.