Main Page
From BESA® Wiki
Welcome to the BESA Wiki!
This wiki is designed to help users with typical questions around using BESA to achieve their goals.
Topics are available for the following categories:
File Formats
- ASCII File Format
- Channel Definition File Formats
- Event File Format
- MEG Sensor Coordinate Files
- Supported Data Formats
- Paradigm File Format in BESA
- Importing Electrode Locations in Combined EEG/MEG Measurements with the Neuromag System
- BESA files extensions
- Talairach Transformation File
- Reading BioSemi data with BESA
- Using Net Station Data with BESA
- Importing Digitized Points Measured by Polhemus Fastrak
Data Review and Analysis
- Importing Digitized Coordinates
- Verify Electrode Coordinates
- Export Single Trial Data
- How to Average EEG channels
- Averaging Across EEG Datasets from Different Recording Systems
- Time Frequency Resolution In BESA
- Change Waveform Colours
- Best Strategy to Define a Multiple Source Model
- Export Dipole Moments of Fitted Sources
- Recommended Electrode Configurations
- Exporting Artifact-Corrected Data
- Create Triggers for Artifact-Rejected Epochs
- Inserting Triggers Relative to Existing Events
- Change or Exclude Erroneous Head Surface Point Locations
- Exporting Top Viewer Waveforms into other Graphics Software for Further Processing
- Seed dipole solutions from cortical images
- Pipeline for simultaneous EEG-fMRI recording
- The source space in individual FEM head models
- Export each gradiometer and magnetometer data separately
- Peak Finder explained
- Using BESA to correct blink and EKG artifacts in MEG data
- Filtering scope
- Enabling auto orientation for 3D topographic maps
MATLAB interface
- How Do I Configure the Matlab Interface?
- Updating the Matlab Interface after Matlab Upgrade
- Exporting Data from Matlab to BESA Statistics
- Visualization with BESA Plot in FieldTrip
BESA Statistics
- Cluster Alpha vs. Neighbor Distance
- How to Prepare Data for BESA Statistics
- Importing BESA Statistics Results into Excel
- Exporting Data from Matlab to BESA Statistics
BESA Connectivity
- How to Prepare Data for BESA Connectivity
- Export Connectivity Results
- How to Convert BESA Connectivity results for BESA Statistics
Operating systems
- The internal error MF_211 (BESA MRI, BESA Statistics and BESA Connectivity)
- 3D Graphics Display Issue Handling
- Batch Error Handling
- Error message: Failed to load library during software installation
- License session not freed in BESA MRI 64 bit version
- Install And Update File Format Readers
- Issues related to the language setting of Windows
- Wrong characters in BESA software
- Blank white screen when capturing the 3D window of the source analysis window
- Error opening program or opening the file dialog box
- Problems with switching to individual head model
- Freezing issue when using the Chinese or Japanese keyboard setting
BESA Recipes
- Control of BESA Research by external programs
- Correcting Volume Conductor Segmentations
- Exporting Data from Matlab to BESA Statistics
- Integration of Custom Template Head-Models
- Random Averaging
- Statistical Analysis for More than Two Levels
- Visualization with BESA Plot in FieldTrip
- Pipeline for simultaneous EEG-fMRI recording
- How to deal with TMS artifact in BESA Research
- Artifact correction with intracranial channels
- Export Data to Brainstorm
- Export Surface Images as the GIfTI File Format using MATLAB
Did you know...?
Coming soon
- a collection of useful batches
- and further content we will be publishing on this wiki
Contributions to the Wiki from the community are very welcome! Please create an account with a valid email to edit the BESA Wiki's content.
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